Chinese Nutritional Therapy
Since ancient times Chinese people have evaluated food for energetic healing effects. This allows us to treat and to prevent disorders with special foods. Knowing the effects of food and your individual Chinese Medicine diagnosis, your health can be improved and diseases can be prevented.
Background of Chinese Nutritional Therapy
One of my favorite ancient doctors is Sūn Sīmiǎo (581-682) who already taught at his time: „When treating a disease, nutritional therapy should be used first. Only when no relief can be achieved should Chinese Medicine (Herbs) be used“. This statement tells us a lot about the importance of Chinese dietetics and nutrition in China even until today. And this is why it is included in TCM treatments.
What is the Chinese Nutritional Therapy?
Chinese Nutritional Therapy is similar to Chinese Herbal Medicine with the only difference that foods are used instead of herbs. Harmony is a very important concept in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In the Nutritional Therapy the harmony (balance) of energetic states and flavors of food is fundamental. A one-sided diet is not recommended and extremes should be avoided.
Individual counseling
Individual advice will be given about what really nourishes and provides your body with energy. In personal consultation you will receive the right information and simple advice for you to strengthen your qì and promote your health and vitality.
Additional therapeutic methods
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Gua Sha